How to delete Tutanota account?


Tutanota is an email service provider known for its strong emphasis on security and privacy. It offers end-to-end encrypted email services, ensuring that only the intended recipients can access the content of the messages. The service is based in Germany and adheres to strict data protection laws, further bolstering user privacy. Tutanota provides free and premium plans, offering additional features and benefits.

Can I delete my Tutanota account?

Yes, you can delete your Tutanota account and personal information.

How to delete Tutanota account

  1. Visit the website and log in to your account.
  2. Click on the gear icon at the bottom left of the screen.
  3. Proceed to the Global settings menu.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
  5. Click Delete account.
  6. Fill in the reason why you want to cancel your Tutanota account.
  7. Enter the password for verification.
  8. Click the Delete button.
  9. Confirm the deletion of the Tutanota account by selecting the Ok option.

Additional notes


Tutanota alternatives

  • ProtonMail
  • Hushmail
  • Mailfence
  • CounterMail
  • Runbox
  • Posteo
  • StartMail
  • SCRYPTmail
  • Kolab Now

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